Seller Process

Let us know how we can help.

Business Owner meets with BusinessSearch Broker
When you decide you want to sell your business, your first step is to meet with our expert staff. We will help you with checklists and other information you’ll need to prepare to get the best price for your company.


Broker reviews Seller’s Business and analyzes Leases, Equipment, Financial Statements and other factors
We carefully study your business plan, competition, patents, intellectual property, tax returns, Income Statements, staff and customer turnover, gross sales per square foot and many other methodical business measures to determine your unique selling proposition and core competence and its real market value.


Broker prepares Opinion of Value
We prepare a formal statement, justifying the asking price you agree to set for your business. This is not a guarantee of sale at that price, it’s a sticker price and you have the freedom to accept less—or if there is a bidding war—to accept more.


Representation Agreement is executed, establishing Terms of Sale
We commit together to an agreement that will protect your interests and fairly compensate us for our services, with our exact percentages and/or fees disclosed in advance.


Business is marketed to network of BusinessSearch Brokers & Buyers
We discreetly present your business to firms, holding companies other potential buyers.


Prospective Buyer contacts BusinessSearch


Prospective Buyer signs Nondisclosure / Confidentiality Agreement
These individuals ONLY learn details about your business after signing a Buyer Non-Disclosure form.


Business information is disclosed to screened prospective Buyer

Prospective Buyer meets with Broker and Seller, tours Business site
We will consult with you on how to best ‘package’ your firm and put your best foot forward to make the best possible impression on a qualified buyer.


Prospective Buyer makes Offer
The Buyer makes an Offer. We present ALL offers to you as the Seller. The specific terms of an offer may be much different than the listing terms. We will help you decide to either accept their offer or to counteroffer, if necessary.


Offer accepted or Counteroffer made


Buyer and Seller conduct Due Diligence
After the Offer is accepted, Buyer will want to ‘kick the tires’ and get under the hood and look around very carefully. We help both Buyer and Seller make sure every key detail is addressed.


Buyer and Seller sign Disclosure Forms
Disclosure forms protect all parties.


Landlord Approvals
We work with you and the landlord to transfer crucial lease rights and responsibilities.


Escrow opened
Escrow protects the seller by making sure all advertised assets are intact and ready to be transferred.


Escrow conditions met/removed and checklist completed
Anything that the buyer considers a must-repair or must-have is put on the table here. All too often, this is where a great deal dies, due to personality conflicts, unrealistic expectations or issues that are not obvious. Our expertise will help flush out and resolve these obstacles to your success.


Escrow closes.


Proceeds from sale are released to Seller.


Seller trains Buyer's staff
You will train the Buyer’s staff how to operate the business. If your business is a complex one, an Operations Manual may already exist. Staff training will help the new business owner succeed.


Seller retires or pursues other interests
Maybe that will be watching the sunset in Waikiki while sipping a Piña Colada?